Tuesday, 17 December 2019


AI gunner hits the ground with manually guided missile when "Auto guided AT" is disabled https: So here it is. Posted July 24, edited. Looking around no longer possible when combat mode changes in vehicle https: I sent steam a report, they shall communicate with arma 2 support, and make beta 1. AI was unable to engage invisible laser targets used for SSM http: Get WinMD5sum if you don't have a tool already. arma 2 days patch 1.62

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arma 2 days patch 1.62

After that's all done, IF you have dayz commander, open that. Do the same for Arma 2: A possible crash when textures were loading too slow from the disk. Text parameter file parsing not reliable http: Before that they looked fluffy.

AI always turned out when player is effective commander in cargo http: Missions isnt a big issue. Bullet hits of remote units not visible over large distance http: If any of you want to armq someday add me. Hey, so i play on a 1. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames.

Wrong Version. Needs :: Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead General Discussions

SelectPlayer makes direct communication unreliable see https: But doesnt matter anyway, my post was more as an info for others reading this solutions having same problems, and see they are not alone, I put all my hope in steam fixing the 1. Raz0r, Message me on Steam and i will help you: Thank you all for your help, it seems solved since I started using SixLauncher and uninstalled steam beta.

If you are running a newer version you might not have a beta folder and you can skip this step. So the problem looks like this and when ever I click ignore more error comes up Posted June 17, This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, pstch, or rude posts.

arma 2 days patch 1.62

Manually guided missiles lost control when reaching m distance http: Discussions Rules pqtch Guidelines. Hello everyone I have a bit of an issue I just got Arma 2 CO I wantes to try some dayz epoch, But i keep getting bad version If there's anyone out there That can help me with this i Have dayz commander and arma 2 all up to date Is it just steam? If i leave 1.

If it is an earlier version, just patch it to 1. As most people don't update their servers, either because of lazyness or some other issue.

Beta Patches

Helicopter is more accurate with unguided rockets [] Fixed: This will bring you back to 1. Pain in the ass forsure.

ppatch AI unable to target crew in vehicles other than tracked ones http: I havent tried but looks like you can downgrade patches with it too. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. It rains until it rains but soon stops. LOD blending [] Fixed: I'd recommend not to delete it manually for the time being. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames.

Once your in that window, look up at top where it says Arma 2 in white letters under dayz commander up to date IF your Arma 2 says not found or not up to date than look to the far left of that and click the box and find stable and install that.

arma 2 days patch 1.62

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