Wednesday, 18 December 2019


Phrozenlight - Die Endlose Reise Phrozenlight - Traumen und Gespenster Phrozenlight - Empty Space Expands Forever Phrozenlight - Crystal Emotions Phrozenlight - The Simple Art of Minimalism Phrozenlight - Reverb in Extremis Then there is a second Album consisting of two very long Phrozenlight tracks. phrozenlight

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Phrozenlight - No Sense Nonsense Various Artists - Awakenings Volume 1. Phrozenlight - Reverb in Extremis This is the only reason why I rate this album with two stars instead of one.

Phrozenlight -

The pulsations haven't left us completely however as they do return, initially so low in the mix they were more of an imagination but slowly they once again start to form a more prominent part in the overall flow until they are quite positively skipping along.

The "Friday's track" has some subtle organ and bells and should be giving the idea of the prison. Of course between spinning this and Zeit I prefer the second by light-years. By the hour mark all returns to atmospherics.


Phrozenlight - Phrozenlight - Deep Space Exploration The Ooh's may represent the Angels, but they are too dark. Phrozenlight - Repeated Conflicts Phrozenlight - Chronicles of the Dark World Phrozenlight - Travel Through the Phrozenligjt Phrozenlight - On the Edge of Your Phrozzenlight Phrozenlight - Searching Boundries Alternatieve titel: Phrozenlight - Wave Alternatieve titel: Phrozenlight - Wandering Into the Distance Phrozenlight - Flanged Watery Dreams Phrozenlight - Prophet or Alien Phrozenlight - The Simple Art of Minimalism A Real Time Composition.

This track is a travel into the darkness of pain and incoming death, it doesn't contain any allusion to the promised resurrection. Phrozenlight - Outside the Gate Phrozenlight - Changing Destinies Phrozenlight - Phrozen Phrozenlught Alternatieve titel: Things intensify a bit and by 10 minutes a moving synth line creates more forward movement.


Phrozenlight - Sunday Session - 5 July Phrozenlight - Outside - Inside The 'chatter' makes one last appearance at around the seventy-minute mark. Phrozenlight - Demos 19 First Quarter If you are in meditation it can work fine, that's why my rating would be "barely good and absolutely non essential", but it doesn't mean an integer number of stars so I'm rounding it up to three.

This music better, these sounds can help meditation, can provoke daydreaming, if you are i this kind of mood its fine.


Quick arpeggios are backed by two repeated high pitched notes and sustained textures. By the time you reach 17 pgrozenlight, the music is more ambient with ringing tones, sustained chords and not much else.

Phrozenlight - Towards the Light Not a bad listen at all, but nothing I would fight for.

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