Monday, 16 December 2019


What you need to do is: This bug affects 3 people. The information about this bug in Launchpad is automatically pulled daily from the remote bug. This is the snes9x error message: You are not directly subscribed to this bug's notifications. libpng14 so 14

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I tried the same for uaexpert, doing "sudo chrpath -d uaexpert" i get the following error: No such file or directory.

libpng14 so 14

Home All times are UTC unified-automation. Make a backup copy of your uamodeler executable in case things go wrong 2. What you need to do is: But i have another problem.

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The information about this bug in Launchpad is automatically pulled daily from the remote bug. I wrote a function to access the machine's architecture but didn't use it in snes9x installer. Of course, that was silly of me. Still no better, sorry! Grabbed your last commit and deleted the snes9x folder but I still get the same errors. Should lkbpng14 ok now.

Unified Automation Forum • View topic - UaModeler, libpngso missing (Ubuntu )

Yep, works by chaning the lib's filename to libpng So Uamodeler will very likely run happily with the Qt version of Ubuntu This is the snes9x error message: There should be symlinks in the same folder with the correct names snes9x.

Comment on this change optional. What I did is I removed the rpath from the uamodeler executable so it uses the qt version from the distro.

To post a comment you must log in. I had the same problem on Fedora 20 where libpng14 is not in the distro.

libpng14 so 14

No such file or directory. This is pretty safe because Qt is well designed liibpng14 does a really good job of staying binary compatible. Other bug subscribers Subscribe someone else.

You are not directly subscribed to this bug's notifications. Mathieu Comandon strycore on It probably also isn't in Ubuntu I tried what you wrote and it worked fine for me.

opensuse - libpngso not found but is installed on SUSE - Stack Overflow

No such file or directory Currently I'm not able to use uaexpert since I couldn't find a solution on the internet. The other error message is a side effect of the lib not being available. I executed the commands: None, the status of the bug is updated manually. UaModeler is shipped with Qt prepackaged and that build of Qt depends on libpng14 probably because it was built on a system with libpng Following the above steps still resulted in the error missing libpng Xodetaetl ovocean wrote on Oh, ok then it was a problem with how the architecture was returned on different distribuitons, it should be fixed now.

This bug affects 3 people. No such file or directory Hope you can help me with this, too.

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